My story & why you should journey with me
Why should you read my blog? That's a great question!
I ask that every time I look at someone else's recipes! I'm a home
taught, midwestern cook, though I live in California now. I love the
organic and local veggies I can get year-round in California. I'm
actually about to head to a farmer's market in Oakland. Yes...I'm a
little "granola" or maybe a lot. I'm a bit of a germaphobe
though too so I'll never be too granola (I'm addicted to my hand sanitizer).
I've always been overweight. I look at pictures from high
school and stand out as a fat kid. Honestly, I can't even blame it on my
parents. I was lucky enough to have a stay-at-home mom who always had a
meal on the table and it wasn't usually hot dogs and mac n' cheese. It
might be lasagna or some other casserole, but I didn't even know you could buy
frozen lasagna until I went to someone else's house. My mom loved to bake
and so do I. Wow, did I ever have a sweet tooth. Cookies, Ice
Cream, you name it.
Thankfully in high school I was never bullied, something for which
I am forever grateful. However, I did struggle with low self-esteem and
self-consciousness because of my size. I'm 5'3" and my license at 16
said 215 lbs. I don't know what I weighed when I graduated, but I just
continued to gain weight. Below is a picture of me from my high school senior photos.
Throughout college my weight went up and down due to friends who dragged me to the gym so when I went to graduate school at the age of 24, I weighed 291 pounds. That's a lot of weight for such a small frame and I felt it!
March 2000
Throughout college my weight went up and down due to friends who dragged me to the gym so when I went to graduate school at the age of 24, I weighed 291 pounds. That's a lot of weight for such a small frame and I felt it!
In 2004, I decided to have gastric bypass surgery. I was
super determined and lost 20 lbs. prior to surgery so I could have laparoscopy
instead of them cutting open my abdomen from chest to belly button. Post
surgery, I was initially hugely successful. I got down to 199 lbs. from December '04 to June '06, but that's where the success stopped. I graduated grad school,
lost my support network, and moved across the country to a job I ended up
Since that time (2006), my weight has been a rollercoaster. I’m incredibly active, but my downfall is food. How do I get on course? How can I be healthier?
October 2006
Since that time (2006), my weight has been a rollercoaster. I’m incredibly active, but my downfall is food. How do I get on course? How can I be healthier?
Fast-forward to 2012 and I realized gluten didn’t agree with
me. No, I don’t have celiac’s as I asked
my doctor to test me. However, I get constantly
lethargic, cranky and have chronic headaches with gluten. I changed my diet and lost some weight, but I
still wasn’t feeling good. This led me
to try Paleo. A friend of mine knew my
health and wellness struggles (trouble sleeping, lack of energy) and my weight
loss struggles and recommended I try Paleo.
I’m so glad she did!
The weight is slow to come off, but the scale is slowly going
down. My value is not in the number, but
in how I feel. For the first time in my
life, I have energy without caffeine. I
gave it up a few months ago because I don’t need it anymore. I am sleeping better and I rarely get
headaches. Additionally, my skin has
gotten extremely clear. My girlfriend
has seen changes in her weight, overall feeling of health, as well as her
Girlfriend & I hiking with friends September 2014 (2 weeks into eating paleo)
I’m starting this blog now because I feel like I am beginning to
make recipes that are my own instead of relying solely on cookbooks. I also love cooking and want to share my
experience with others. I hope you’ll
follow along with me and join me in the journey that has been and will continue
to be…a lifelong challenge.