Hawaiian Short Ribs...Yum!

It's the new year.  Maybe you have resolutions or maybe you're like me and you refuse to make them. Either way, you should get to eat delicious food.  I want to be happy, healthy, and well fed!

So tonight we made a DELICIOUS meal!  I have to give Michelle credit for doing the actual cooking. Her family still doesn't believe she cooks now.  It doesn't give her the same joy it gives me...well ok....she kinda hates it.  But she loves me and so she cooks sometimes...especially grilled or broiled items.  And we don't eat gingerbread houses, particularly large stale ones in hotel lobbies (see above).

I know the picture is random, but it made you laugh didn't it?!  You must be wondering what was so delicious about dinner!  Well let me tell you how it was made!

#nofilter dinner

Hawaiian Short Ribs

1 LB Grass-fed Hawaiian short ribs (we bought a 1/2 beef from Hat Creek Ranch.  Serious recommend!)

Marinade (modified from PaleoLeap)
1/2 cup organic chicken broth - make sure you read all the ingredients to ensure it's not a bunch of stuff you can't pronounce.  Chicken stock is often a better option
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp. ketchup (we use Organicville though it does have agave in it.  Homemade is your best bet)
2 tsp. minced garlic
2 tbsp. raw, organic, local honey

Mix up the marinade in a bowl and whisk until well mixed

Lay the ribs in a container that has a lid that seals (or you can use a ziplock bag).  Pour the marinade over the ribs.  Set in the fridge for 3 hours.  At 3 hours, turn the container over and let marinate for another 3 hours.  Alternatively, it should be great if you let it refrigerate overnight.

Turn the oven to high broil (or use a grill) and allow to heat.  Put marinated ribs on a broiling pan - spread out. To broil to perfection follow this process:

Broil for 3 minutes
Rotate Pan 180 degrees
Broil for 3 minutes
Turn ribs over
Broil for 3 minutes
Rotate Pan for 180 degrees
Broil for 3 minutes

For rarer meat, broil on each side for 2 minutes.

I'll be honest, part of why Michelle broils is because I don't have the patience to flip and turn and she does.  You could probably do like I would and 6 minutes on each side.  However, it's awesome when she broils like this because it's so juicy and perfect.

To add a veggie side, we steamed fresh organic broccoli for 6 minutes.

And just because I want to end on a fun note....Darwin (our dog) hopes you have a great day!

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