Pistachio crusted pork chops - Paleo & 21 Sugar Detox

As I was thinking about dinner tonight because I have a meeting, I struggled to think what would be quick and easy.  I scanned through a cookbook and nothing really called out to me, though a crusted fish recipe did sound delicious.  However, since I don't cook with fish much, I wanted something I was more familiar with.  I searched the freezer and pulled out some pork chops, put them in water to thaw and went back to the tasks of the day.  I decided to use these pork chops and the rainbow carrots I had in the fridge to make something low maintenance.  I already had the ranch in the fridge, but if I didn't, I could've whipped it up in an extra 30 minutes.  Otherwise, you could use an egg wash to coat the pork chops. 



1 - 2 TB Olive Oil

21 Day Sugar Detox Ranch 

4 - 1 inch thick pork chops

1/4 cup Pistachios

1 TB Coconut Flour

1/4 tsp sea salt

1 lb of rainbow carrots


Spread olive oil generously across bottom of pan

Ground up pistachios, coconut flour, and salt

Peel & Chop Carrots

Place chopped carrots around edges

Pour Ranch onto a plate

Pour nut/flour mix on plate

Dip pork chops in ranch and then in nut/flour mix, place in pan





Roast at 405 for 40-45 minutes, turning pork chops at 20 minutes.  For thicker sliced porkchops (I took thick ones and cut them in half to reduce the thickness) you may need to cook longer.  If using rainbow carrots, cut the purple ones thinner as they take longer to cook.



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